India one bright name, is exploring a new horizon on map. So how it could happens that Indian mobile users lags behind rest of the world. Research shows that the youth in India spend significant amount of time in sending SMS via internet or mobile. The big daddies of IT giant company Gartner unveils the fact that the SMS Volume is likely to be at level 1,916 in end of the year of 2013.
Gartner Inc. has also put some identification (used as a label) on top 10 user's cell phone application for the year 2012. Gartner tabulate mobile applications based on their influence on user's and industry champ considering consumer value considering revenue ,loyalty business model and calculated market presentation.
According to available numbers, the future of India expecting to catch the fancy of youth. The SMS are evidencing a profitable deal for telecom. Market experts claim that the big reason behind the considerable improvement in graph is continuous and appreciable growth of Indian market, they also said that the less pricing of per SMS taking control on youth which is targeting SMS users in India.